A domain stalker for life for only $1

Includes every feature we offer. You can purchase as many stalkers as you need.

Get started today

Everything you need

All-in-one platform

Our domain monitors keep an eye on expiration dates, nameservers, registrar in charge and current status of the domain name and sending you alerts as soon as changes are detected.

  • Track domains in 1000+ TLDs
  • Alerts on ownership changes, renewals, expirations or registrar changes
  • Granular alert preferences on specific items, while ignoring other items
  • Spot impending drops or state changes of domains of interest to you
  • Setup email digests
  • Organization via portfolios for easier management
  • Dashboard to keep tabs on domains of interest and upcoming changes
  • Domain stalkers are for life and can be updated as needed

Frequently asked questions

How does this work?
We monitor a domain name for changes in ownership, email address, registrar, name servers, renewal date, status changes and much more. You will be the first to know about any domain name events.
What type of alerts are available?
For now, just email alerts. We are working on adding other integrations (SMS, Slack etc).
Can I change the domain name given to a domain stalker?
Yes, you can. Just remove the currently monitored domain and simply add a new one. Number of stalkers = number of monitored domains.
What are some practical uses for this?
Monitor your own domain names, watching for unauthorized modifications so you can instantly act if you need to. Monitor domains you want to buy.
Once I've setup a domain stalker do I need to do anything else?
This is a set and forget it service. We like to keep things simple. Let us do the heavy lifting for you.
Is stalking a domain name even legal?
It is, but we won't tell anybody just in case.

Ready to dive in? The first two domain stalkers are FREE forever